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My Philosophy

As an experienced and respected trial attorney focused on personal injury, maritime, commercial litigation and professional malpractice, I believe in helping those most in need. Admitted to the practice of law in 1988, I’ve been fighting on behalf of my clients ever since—as their negotiator, their litigator and their advocate. Because I take every case personally, I’ve earned a reputation for tooth-and-nail tenacity. “Against all odds.” “Long shot.” “Not a ghost of a chance!” I’ve heard them all. But I’ve never let those opinions stop me. I’ve seen how accountability for wrongdoing tends to get slippery for the ones with all the power. And it’s why I’ve spent my career taking and making the long shot—against all the odds—without a chance in sight.



I know what it takes to win cases. I know the law, the insurance industry and the maritime business. And I know the other lawyers, along with their strengths and their weaknesses. Most of all, I know my clients. I know their families, their stories, their hopes and their dreams. And they know me. Because I’m passionate about giving dedicated, personal attention to every client. Every step of the way.



You are the most important part of the decision-making process as your case moves forward. That means keeping you informed of all the facts as I discover them. Not just some of the facts and not “after the fact.” When I learn something, so do you. And when I’m confident you fully understand the challenges and opportunities of your case, we decide together, based on delivering the best results for you and your family, how your case will be handled.

My Promise —


When you hire me, you get me. I don’t overcommit. I won’t put your case in someone else’s hands. And I will not overpromise. I will represent you only if I am confident in my ability to handle your case and if I believe it has legal merit. That’s because I only take cases for which I am qualified and that I feel are credible and legitimate.

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